Phone no.

+38 (044) 277–8–277

(044) 277–8–277

(800) 50 51 58


27 Malyshko Str.,

Pliuty village, Obuhovskiy district,

Ukraine, Kyiv region 08720

4A Chornomorska Str., Chernivtsi, Ukraine, 58022

Leading Doctors

The hospital employs full-time Israeli experts: clinical oncologists with great experience, fame and prestige around the world. Even given the high level of Europe and the United States, the Israeli medicine has always been and remains at the forefront. Ukrainian doctors work as a team with foreign oncologists: these are highly qualified surgeons chemotherapists and radiotherapists. All of them underwent training in leading clinics in Israel, Western Europe, USA and Japan. LISOD also employs psychologists, doctors of physical therapy, and therapists. We have invited a specialist in ancient ayurvedic massages, an essential way to improve the health and advance the recovery of the body after treatment, from India.

Dr. Sergey Baido
PhD. Oncologist. Surgeon. Deputy head physician for surgery

Doctor Baido conducts the most complex laparoscopic operations. A number of complicated and less invasive operations were conducted by Sergey Baido for the first time in Ukraine. More specifically, a laparoscopic gastrectomy procedure is a routine operation for this surgeon. (Such operations are the norm and considered standard only in Japan, South Korea, and at the LISOD Clinic.)

Dr. Meir Zahavi
MD. Clinical oncologist. Israel

Dr. Zahavi has extensive experience in large medical centres in Israel and the Israeli Defense Forces. He is fluent in modern methods of treatment of all types of cancer and is the author of scientific papers.

Dr. Meir Zahavi is a clinical oncologist of the highest qualification. He has made a professional contribution to the development of modern methods of fighting against cancer.

For many years he worked in the largest clinics in Israel: Medical Centre Laniado (Netaniya) as the principal consultant and deputy head of the oncology department and in Sheba Medical Centre (Tel Aviv) as head of the department of clinical trials and studies. He has more than 100 scientific publications in international medical journals.

Meir Zahavi has extensive experience in the treatment of common types of malignant diseases such as breast cancer, colorectal cancer, gastric cancer, kidney cancer, prostate cancer, and others.

Dr. Zahavi's activity on the legalization of new biological medications is of great importance not only for LISOD patients but also for patients of other cancer centres in Ukraine.

 He is a  full member of the following professional associations:

  • The Israeli Society of Clinical Oncology and Radiological Therapy (ISCORT);
  • The Israeli Association for Palliative Care (IAPC);
  • The Israeli Society of Hematology and Blood Transfusion.

 Dr. Zahavi conducts primary consultations with patients, and in the future all stages of treatment will be under his full control.

Major focus of activity: clinical oncology.

Dr. Andrii Zhygulin
MD. Oncologist. Head of Modern Mammology Centre

Andrii Zhygulin is one of the most renowned and experienced specialists of Ukraine in the treatment of mammary glands diseases. He is a member of The European Society of Surgical Oncology and the author of scientific works. He passed preparation and trainings in Milan (Italy), Paris (France), Vienna (Austria), Nottingham (Great Britain), and Dusseldorf (Germany) and trained in Israel. He is the organiser of the first mammology centre in Ukraine, corresponding to the standards of The European Society of Breast Cancer Specialists (EUSOMA). He is the organiser and moderator of the regular Ukrainian International Breast Cancer conference (2014, 2015 and 2016), the first in Ukraine to offer regular training courses on modern surgical oncological mammology for doctors.

Leading specialist of LISOD in the area of oncologic plastic and reconstructive surgery of breast and soft tissues. He executes all types of organ-preserving and reconstructive surgical interferences on mammary glands, excluding transplantion of free flaps.

Prof. Moshe Mittelman
MD. Oncohematologist. Member of global professional associations

Professor Mittelman is one of the most famous Israeli specialists in the field of oncohematology, an experienced doctor who has undergone many years of training in the United States. The professor has gained authority thanks to the very high rates in the treatment of multiple myelomas, myelodysplastic syndrome and many other diseases of the blood and lymphatic system. The doctor advises patients of the Surasky Medical Center (Tel Aviv, Israel), Sackler’s School of Medicine (Tel Aviv University) and The LISOD Hospital.

Prof. Ido Wolf
Oncologist. Member of global professional associations

Professor Ido Wolf is one of Israel’s most renown oncologists. In his practice he is successfully using the state-of-the-art techniques of treating the neuroendocrine tumors, pancreas and other gastrointestinal cancers.

He is part of Israel’s top doctors rating (2021).

Professor Ido Wolf is the Chairman of LISOD Advisory Board. He is the head of oncology department of Sourasky Medical Center (Tel Aviv, Israel)

Dr. Еli Sapir
A radiation oncologist. Member of international cancer societies

Dr. Eli Sapir is one of Israel's most experienced radiation therapy oncologists. He was the one who pioneered both in Israel and the world the use extracerebral radiosurgical treatment and stereotaxic radiosurgery for tumors of the liver, pancreas, and lungs.

Dr. Sapir is the curator of the radiation therapy department of LISOD. Head of the Institute of Radiation Oncology at Samson Assuta Ashdod University Hospital.

Dr. Аndriy Saulov
Clinical oncologist

Andriy Saulov is a senior specialist of LISOD, specializing in diagnosis and treatment of a wide variety of cancers. He owes his success to using the most modern drugs of chemo - , targeted- and immune therapy. He stays by the patient throughout their entire treatment journey .

Member of the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO).

Dr. Vadim Korpyak
Surgeon. Endoscopist

Vadym Korpyak is an experienced endoscopist. Performs all types of endoscopic procedures, including the most complex operations. He is practicing treatment methods unique to Ukraine.

He heads the diagnostic and interventional endoscopy department of LISOD. Member of the European Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE). Representative of the ESGE Committee for colonoscopy quality upgrade.